Sunday, November 14, 2010

k 1 week over... chem p3 was the dream start its so hard my dick pales in comparison.

gp was the usual uncertainty... but the feeling's that i did better than prelims, just hope the marker's nice =/

bio was simple enough but math was so easy its ridiculous lucky i didnt spend much time studying.

kk mr ng is right, it doesnt feel so bad once it has started. you just waiting for the days to pass.

kk now ima do some chem salvaging..

and there's always econs. i needa nail that shit once and for all


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Alright it's almost time (:

At this point in time, I would like to express how unbelievably happy and contented I am with my life.

After all, when else can you only focus on studying without any other pressing worries requiring more immediate attention?

Ok just jk fml lets hope i survive.